Hey, Mom!
I just logged into my email after a stressful week to find out that I will be officially going home on the 6th of March. So, just to figure things out so that I can tell the mission secretary to buy a plane ticket or not, would you and Dad fly in that day to come pick me up or would I fly home and then a few days later fly back? I know you mentioned your spring vacation starts on the 6th... so let me know what I should tell the secretary to do for my ticket.
Also, I´m writing stocking notes for everyone at home right now and so I don´t think that I'll have time to write a regular weekly email, but I just wanted to say thank you so much for the Twelve Days of Christmas presents!!!! Please tell Dad thank you for his work on that, as well. It's been so much fun because my companion has been gracious and grateful for the gifts too. We´ve been loving opening them every day :) You´re the best!
I haven´t said too much about my comp or even sent pictures. Just so you know, he´s awesome. We get a long great and we´re doing a lot of important work here. We´re crazy busy working with the stake leaders to try to get some things together to make missionary work really take off with the members here. Hopefully next week I´ll have more time to tell you about it. Or tomorrow when we Skype. :) And remember that it won't be a full hour. :/ We´ll have to start saying goodbye´s at 35 minutes because the missionary handbook says no more than 30-40 minutes. But, we´ll make the time worth it :) and it´s my 4th call of my mission, which means I´m about to really see you all, anyway.
I love you very much! I'm excited to talk to you tomorrow! Have a great Monday!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Nickerl
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