Dear Family,
So, since I didn´t have time to write last week, I want to start off by talking about the Work of Salvation broadcast. We watched it here and it was such an incredible experience (and I got to watch it in English :D). The only thing that I really like much any more about the Gospel in English is listening to the general authorities. I don´t know if you guys all saw all of it yet, but if you haven´t, I invite and implore you to please do so. It completely reiterated what we´ve been trying to teach the members here since last October. Sometimes as members of the Church we have the idea that missionary work is for the missionaries and we´re there to help every once in a while (I definitely thought that before my mission). The broadcast made it very clear that missionary work is for every member of the Church. The missionaries are the ones that are there to help. So, that was cool. We´ve seen a lot of change in the members of our branch since the broadcast. Tuesday, we went to the house of one sister in the ward. And she had her grandson there and had been talking to him about the Gospel. And now they want to get baptized. Also, one of the daughters of that sister (who we´ve been teaching for a while) also decided to be baptized as a result of the fact that her nephew is now going to get baptized. So, they´re going to be baptized the 13th. All the rest of the members put themselves the batteries (that´s what we say in Spanish, I don´t remember the appropriate and equivalent expression in English) and started working. We had branch conference this Sunday and 15 investigators came. Only 5 of them were even in part because of us. Neither my companion nor I had ever had more than 10 before. So, we have a LOT of new investigators and a lot of work to do.
I testify that God is a living God. He directs this Church and this Work. Miracles have not ceased. I am so incredibly grateful to be a missionary in this crucial time in which the Lord is hastening His Work. I invite each one of you to redouble your efforts to spread the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your capacity to help others to have the light of the Gospel in their lives is just as great if not greater than that of us as missionaries. Our efforts to share the Gospel are a direct measure of our love for the Lord and for others. It may not always be an easy thing to do, but Lord gives us the strength to do so as we rely on Him. As Christ once said "Fear not, only believe." Be a light. Help others receive the Gospel and the sacred ordinances of baptism and confirmation so that they have the direction and knowledge and actions that lead to salvation. "After all that has been said the greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel."
I love you all very much. I want you all to know how happy I am. The promise that was made to me in my mission call that greater blessings and more happiness than I had yet experienced awaited me as I served among God´s children is being fulfilled. There is no greater happiness than helping others receive such happiness. I invite you ALL to try it. :) If you love Him, feed His sheep. You´ll be glad you did.
Have a great week!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Andrew Nickerl
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