Hello family!
What a great week! This has seriously been the best week that I´ve had for a very long time. My new companion is awesome. We get along super well and he´s the hardest worker that I´ve been with yet. We went crazy this week and found around 10 new investigators. And almost all of them are part member families! That means that we´re working towards uniting families for time and all eternity... :) which is the very best. So, the baptism that we were going to have last month but fell through we also scheduled for the 18th (and fixed the problems that made it so that we couldn't have it last time). And another one of our investigators after a very long chain of events can now finally get married to the guy that she´s living with so that she can get baptized too! And, out of the 10 new investigators that we found, I feel like a lot of them are going to progress. So, in the upcoming weeks we´re going to be baptizing a lot of people :) and I am really, really psyched.
So... umm... other than that. It's really hot. Really, really hot. Like hotter than it's been my entire mission. Fasting yesterday was ridiculously hard. Probably the hardest fast I've ever done in my life. When we finally ended our fast, we drank like a gallon of water each and both got really sick from drinking water too fast. Oops. But we still had a ton of work to do so we left anyway and found more new investigators! And it ended up being a great day. I just got a little bit burned this week because it's a lot dryer here in Oaxaca than in Chiapas and the sun seems to have intensified a lot starting on Wednesday. So my tan lines also passed from ridiculous to much more ridiculous. But I´m drinking lots of water and staying very hydrated (we go through two 19 liter garrafones each week, and I drink more water than my comp).
I can´t think of too much more to say, but I´m happy and healthy :) I have a testimony of this work and I know it changes lives. It´s changed mine more than I can believe. I love the Lord and I´m so grateful for the oportunity that I have to serve Him in this capacity.
I love you all and I´m so grateful for all the success that you´re having in your lives. Each week you all inspire me. :) Take care!
Con mucho amor,
Elder Andrew Nickerl
P.S. Oh, and we´re going to be able to Skype for no more than 40 minutes on Sunday. I know that´s not very much time but that´s the rule. :) I´m just grateful for that time and can't wait to talk to all of you. We´ll be getting on here about 7 pm. I´m not sure what that time is where you guys are. I may be a little late too because I might have to download skype on the computer I get on and because we have an appointment right beforehand.
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